Plagiarism policy

Journal «International Bulletin on Public Administration and Legal Affairs» accepts only original materials, that is, articles that were not previously published and were not submitted for publication in another journal.

Journal «International Bulletin on Public Administration and Legal Affairs» uses software to detect the text borrowings in the submitted manuscripts. Manuscripts with the revealed plagiarism or text borrowing without reference to the original source are rejected by the editorial board without publication in the journal.

Plagiarism before publication

Editorial Board of the journal «International Bulletin on Public Administration and Legal Affairs» analyzes any case of plagiarism in essence.

If plagiarism or the borrowed text is detected by editors or reviewers at any stage before the publication of the manuscript, the author is warned of the need to rewrite the text. If the plagiarism is not less than 25%, the article may be rejected, and the institution/employer of the author will be informed about it.

Plagiarism Validation Policy

Manuscripts, in which plagiarism was detected, are processed in order to evaluate the volume of the plagiarism. If less than 25% of the plagiarism is detected the manuscript is immediately sent to the author to review the content. If more than 25% of the plagiarism is detected, the manuscript is rejected without an editorial review.

Authors are encouraged to review the borrowed text and the plagiarized manuscripts. Then the new manuscripts may be forwarded for consideration.

The percentage of plagiarism is calculated by the corresponding software. It is also estimated by the editorial board.