
  • A. Manzhula Автор
  • A. Vlasov Автор



corruption, law enforcement agencies, National Police, Ukraine, anti-corruption measures, public trust, legislation, anti-corruption strategies, transparency, efficiency


The article is devoted to the problems of corruption in the activities of the National Police of Ukraine and its impact on law and order and public trust in law enforcement agencies. The author examines various aspects of corruption in the police environment and provides examples of incidents illustrating this problem. Particular attention is paid to the factors that contribute to the spread of corruption among police officers, such as insufficient funding and inadequate internal control systems. The author also examines the existing anti-corruption measures and their effectiveness, and offers specific recommendations for overcoming corruption in police activities.

The role of the public in combating corruption and the need for joint efforts of the government, law enforcement agencies, NGOs and international partners to successfully address this issue are highlighted. The article discusses the prospects for the development of anti-corruption measures and emphasizes the importance of strengthening law enforcement institutions and increasing the responsibility of all participants in the law enforcement process. It is emphasized that corruption in the activities of the National Police can not only undermine public confidence in law enforcement agencies, but also threaten the rule of law and stability of the country. The author emphasizes that the ways to overcome corruption include strengthening internal control, increasing salaries and social protection of police officers, and introducing new anti-corruption strategies and mechanisms.


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